Approximately 2,035 people make their home in the city of Seth Ward, TX. The small rural community covers only 1.6 square miles, giving it a population density of 1260 persons per square mile. The small town feel is maintained even though the conveniences of a larger city can be found in Lubbock, only 46 miles away.
Unemployment in Seth Ward is 6.8%. This is lower than the Texas state rate of 7.0%. Even though most of the nation lost manufacturing jobs in the recent past, most of the residents find employment in the manufacturing and construction industries. Food processing is the most common occupation in the area. Sixty three percent of the workers hold white color job and the rest work at blue-collar types of employment.
The median income for households is $23,234. The cost of living is low in Seth Ward compared to the rest of the country. With a national average of 100, the cost of living index in this small Texas community is 78. Time and money spent on traveling to work also helps keep the cost of living index low. Residents enjoy the status of having the one of the shortest commute times in the country. Most travel less than fifteen minutes to get to their jobs.
Approximately 54% of the houses in Seth Ward are occupied by their owners. Rental units account for 28% of the units and 17% are not occupied. The median age of homes in the community is 27 years, though many of the older and well-established homes date back to the 1940’s to 70’s. The median sales price is about $30,000. The homes in the area are less expensive that 99.2% of all U.S. neighborhoods, and 98.4% of the neighborhoods in Texas. Average rent is $357 per month.
Real estate is a mixture of single-family homes and mobile homes. Ranging in size from small studio and single bedroom units to four bedroom houses, the area housing possibilities offer solutions for living spaces for singles and families, no matter what their personal preferences in size and style.