Timbercreek is a small village in Randall County, Texas with a single neighborhood and is rated as the 969th largest community in Texas with a population of about 448. Real estate values in the locality are just about the most expensive in the entire state of Texas but that does not compare to some of the expensive real estate properties countrywide.
The average age of homes is 19 years, 60% of owned, 24% rented, while 15% are not occupied. The median price upon sales of many homes in Timbercreek Canyon is $194,009 in the recent years. Median home appreciation is 2.64% as of last year with most of them ranging between 2 and 3 bedrooms each. In order to get the true value of the home it is vital to hire professionals to ensure that the real estate sale price is in tandem with the current market rates carry out an appraisal.
The appraisal report contains details such as a brief description of neighborhood, evaluation of the locality’s real estate market, a list of major problems of the property likely to affect its value and an estimated time of how long it will take to sell the property. The report essentially compares the home to the value of similar homes that have been sold in the recent past and differs from an inspection report in that it does not look into how structural sound the home is. It is a vital document to ensure that the asking price is fair to avoid chances of the deal falling through or even forced reduction by the seller of the property’s value.